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Delivery and payment

We strive for the highest quality of delivery. For that reason, all clocks will be thoroughly cleaned and overhauled before delivery. You should therefore take into account that the clock can not always be delivered immediately. If the timepiece has to be overhauled, you can and will receive photos via email of this proces.

Generally you can take the clock yourself after purchase; you will receive an extensive instruction and an instruction form with tips.
Of course, we provide correct packaging if needed. In some cases the clock is placed at your home; obviously the delivery is in close consultation with you. The clock can also be shipped.

The payment can be made in cash on delivery or by bank transfer before delivery, by means of a Pro-Forma invoice.
You have a standard three-year warranty, unless stated otherwise.

We ship worldwide -Wir liefern weltweit - Nous livrons partout dans le monde 

Piet van Apeldoorn | Stationslaan 91 | 3844GB Harderwijk I The Netherlands
T. 0031(0) 341 43 44 51 |
KvK 08130919,  BTW NL001110106B22
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